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Below are the references in international law, agreements, and guidelines that support each Civic Charter provision. This list may not be complete.

  1. Freedom of Expression: Everyone is free to share, discuss, and promote their views and ideas, support the ideas of others, or express dissent.
  1. Freedom of Information: Everyone has easy and timely access to all public information.
  1. Freedom of Assembly: Everyone is free to peacefully come together with others to pursue common goals and aspirations.
  1. Freedom of Association: Everyone is free to form, join, or support organisations to advance common causes in a peaceful manner.
  1. Effective Participation: People and their organisations can genuinely participate in, and influence, public policy and decision-making at local, national, regional and global levels.
  1. Financial Support: People and their organisations are free to access or provide financial support, both within and outside of their countries.
  1. Opportunities for Cooperation: People and their organisations are free to engage in domestic and international dialogue and cooperation.
  1. Duty to protect: Each government ensures that people and their organisations are free to participate without persecution, torture or threats to their lives, and are not subject to collective punishment for exercising their fundamental freedoms.
  1. Enabling Environment: Each government adopts legislative, administrative, and other measures to respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights and freedoms referred to in this Charter, and investigates attacks on individuals and organisations with a view to bringing suspected perpetrators to justice in line with international standards of fairness.
  1. Public Accountability: Government, business and civil society organisations are accountable to the public.